Built as a management tool
Any business today is an IT business. ERP/EMR is a central nervous system of your medical center, that allows you to control and manage the efficiency of every aspect of it. If you are using some system from 2000s, you are able to control only the most basic parametrs. But those, who can use the full power of a modern IT, will definately inherit the market.
Increase the efficiency of your medical center
EMR/ERP solution should be designed not only to store medical records, but to be an "operating system" of your medical business.
Free demoBuilt for managers by managers
Our team has extensive experience in healthcare management - we've been running different medical businesses in different roles. We feel your pain, and know what a manager needs.
Lower errors and faster onboarding
With our error control system and built in knowledge base you can onboard administrative personnel in days instead of months.
Deepest analytics
While diagnostics is a key to right treatment, analytics is a key to efficient management. Over 80% of our reports were invented by us and are unique for the market.
Increase your efficiency
Lower your costs, reallocate your resources to most efficient departments, increase the efficiency of your advertising and retention management.
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